Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday Pickup - 1/31/09

Again with the disc! As we hit the end of the month, a couple things worth mentioning. First, apparently folks are starting to use the site a bit more consistently! Which means that the projected numbers seem to be a bit more in line with what we're seeing at the field. So check in towards the end of the week (or Saturday morning) if you're on the fence to see if you can be swayed by the masses. Which leads to number two. If you mark yourself as a maybe and you can move yourself to a definite (in either direction) as the week marches on, feel free to do so! Your earlier response gets removed and the new response gets recorded, which makes the numbers a bit more certain. I tend to think of the Maybes as people that are coming, but others may not be so optimistic. So that said, details:

Location: Professional Development Center (2301 N Vassault).
Time: 2:30pm

Use the Definitely, Definitely Not, or Maybe options at the bottom of the post to indicate your status. If you've got additional information, you can post a comment to make your mark on the weekend.

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