Monday, April 20, 2009

Pickup Schedule

Tuesdays, Thursdays

Pickup on Tuesdays and Thursdays is currently at Jefferson Elementary (4302 N. 13th). People start showing up around 4:45pm to throw, and games start around 5:30pm.


Pickup on Saturdays is a bit trickier. In pursuit of better fields, we're going to start a bit of roving. We have a handful of fields that we'd like to play on. The goal is to avoid the ankle-breaking extravaganza that is the Professional Development Center field, while retaining enough space for two games if we get enough folks out. We'll still use PDC if the other fields are occupied, but there are three other locations that we'll check first. The order to check would be:

1) Mason Middle School Turf Field (3901 N 28th St)

2) Wilson High School Fields (1202 N Orchard St)

3) Truman Middle School Football Field (5801 N 35th St)

4) Professional Development Center (2301 N Vassault)

If you have questions or comments about the rotation, feel free to post.

A Slight Change

With the weather turning towards the better half of the spectrum, the ever wise Jerry thought it would be good to make a change in the format of posts for the spring/summer. From now until some time in the future, we're going to assume that we'll have enough folks out to play every week. As such, we won't ask you to respond as you whether or not you'll make it (because that was more a means of letting folks know that things might be scarce during the winter).

Instead, I'll throw a post up today with the details of the pickup games (and also make sure the sidebar is up to date), and will only post throughout the summer if there's some sort of event during a particular weekend that might pull a number of folks away (typically this would correspond to tournaments). When I do make one of those posts, that's when you can all jump in and comment if you're interested in seeing whether there will be enough folks still around to make the trip out to the field worthwhile.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thursday Pickup - 4/16/09

With the indoor league finished, we move outside for spring ultimate of the Thursday afternoon variety.

Location: Jefferson Elementary(4302 N. 13th).
Time: 5:30pm

Use the Definitely, Definitely Not, or Maybe options at the bottom of the post to indicate your status. If you've got additional information, you can post a comment to make your mark on the weekend.

Tuesday Pickup - 4/14/09

Late post! But here nonetheless. Details here for your viewing pleasure.

Location: Jefferson Elementary(4302 N. 13th).
Time: 4:45pm

Use the Definitely, Definitely Not, or Maybe options at the bottom of the post to indicate your status. If you've got additional information, you can post a comment to make your mark on the weekend.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Saturday Pickup - 4/11/09

Here comes another one. As we move towards the weekend, a few things for you to ponder.

1) This is the last week of Tacoma Indoor league.
2) Thursday pickup resumes next week.
3) The weather, while fickle, is not keeping people away from the field.

With Thursday pickup in particular, I'll be adding one additional post per week for responses. Posting schedule will be Saturday night/Tuesday night/Thursday night. The post for the next game will go up, giving 2-3 days to respond with your status. So. Onwards to details:

Location: Professional Development Center (2301 N Vassault).
Time: 2:30pm

Use the Definitely, Definitely Not, or Maybe options at the bottom of the post to indicate your status. If you've got additional information, you can post a comment to make your mark on the weekend.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tuesday Pickup - 4/7/09

Jefferson Elementary disc madness to run pursuant the usual details. For those unwilling to move their eyes to the sidebar at right, here's the rundown:

Location: Jefferson Elementary(4302 N. 13th).
Time: 4:45pm

Use the Definitely, Definitely Not, or Maybe options at the bottom of the post to indicate your status. If you've got additional information, you can post a comment to make your mark on the weekend.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Saturday Pickup - 4/4/09

Another upcoming Saturday game! Prior to pickup, some of the male folk from Tacoma will be scrimmaging the talented UPS Thunderhorse crew. If you're interested in watching, feel free to show up a bit early (start time is slated for 2pm currently - which is likely to push out the start time for actual pickup). We'll be trying to poach the turf field at Mason Middle School (N. 28th and Proctor) for the scrimmage, so show up there if interested. If the field is in use, we'll move over to the usual stomping grounds at the Professional Development Center. If we do get the turf field, pickup will be there instead of the PDC.

So in summation:

Location: Mason Middle School (N. 28th + Proctor)
Time: 3:30pm(ish)

Backup Location: Professional Development Center (2301 N Vassault).

Use the Definitely, Definitely Not, or Maybe options at the bottom of the post to indicate your status. If you've got additional information, you can post a comment to make your mark on the weekend.

From the glorious Jerry, who scours (with rigour) the surrounding area for fields, regarding location-y stuff....

Fields: This is the tricky bit, since:
a) We want decent fields
b) We have no reservations
c) Apparently other people use decent fields and make reservations and such

So, here is the priority of where you should start showing up:

1) Mason Turf field (28th and Proctorish)
2) Wilson HS (1202 North Orchard) has a football and 1.5 soccer fields we can hope to get.
3) Truman (where we play indoor). Decent full field, very few ankle breakers, plenty of dog poop. N. 37th and Pearl.
4) PDC (the usual Saturday pickup place 2301 North Vassault)