Monday, April 20, 2009

A Slight Change

With the weather turning towards the better half of the spectrum, the ever wise Jerry thought it would be good to make a change in the format of posts for the spring/summer. From now until some time in the future, we're going to assume that we'll have enough folks out to play every week. As such, we won't ask you to respond as you whether or not you'll make it (because that was more a means of letting folks know that things might be scarce during the winter).

Instead, I'll throw a post up today with the details of the pickup games (and also make sure the sidebar is up to date), and will only post throughout the summer if there's some sort of event during a particular weekend that might pull a number of folks away (typically this would correspond to tournaments). When I do make one of those posts, that's when you can all jump in and comment if you're interested in seeing whether there will be enough folks still around to make the trip out to the field worthwhile.

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