Monday, December 8, 2008

Saturday Pickup - 12/13/08

Location: Professional Development Center (2301 N Vassault).Time: 2:30pm

Use the comment options at the bottom (Definitely, Definitely Not, Maybe) to set your status for the week! If you want to, you can add a comment if you have any additional information that might be pertinent (i.e. your name, or if you might be showing up late, etc...). As we get towards the colder/rainier part of the year, numbers tend to wane a little bit (who wants to head out to the field if they're unsure there will be enough folks), so make sure to set your status.

If numbers are slim, we do have a few options for smaller numbers. On top of Box and Mini, Will Curb has loaned his Goaltimate kit and we've had a few great games of that. See you folks Saturday!


Joshua Hiltunen said...

I'll be there! Rain or Shine, and such.

TacomaJerry said...


Joshua Hiltunen said...

Even snow. I don't discriminate against forms of precipitation. Except hail. That shit hurts.

Orv said...

Even though I played last Sunday, my continued difficulty walking makes me think I should take it easy. So I will not be there.